
Our challenges are great. So is our ambition. Having built a reservoir of excellence both deep and broad, Stanford has the responsibility—and the opportunity—to step up like never before. Below, some areas where we hope to have the greatest impact.

Ethics, Society & Technology

Embedding ethics into Stanford scholarship, research, and development of creative solutions through the exploration of the ethical and social dimensions of technology.

Read about EST

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

Advancing AI research, education, policy, and practice to serve the collective needs of humanity.

Visit HAI
The future we seek requires us to act with urgency and intention.

Innovative Medicines Accelerator

Expanding our knowledge of human biology and expediting the translation of Stanford health discoveries into effective new drugs and medicines.

Visit IMA
Our challenges are more urgent than ever. Universities must do more, and they must do better.

Racial justice initiative

Advancing racial justice by diversifying and amplifying Stanford’s scholarship, fostering a more inclusive campus, and developing evidence-based solutions to promote equity and access for all.

Visit RJI

Stanford Accelerator for Learning

Activating collaborations among researchers, educators, and entrepreneurs to improve educational experiences for all, faster.

Read about SAL

Stanford Arts

Art is essential. Art is consequential. Stanford is committed to bringing the arts to the entire university community and beyond.

Read about Arts

Stanford Athletics

Across all 36 varsity sports, giving our student-athletes everything they need to pursue excellence at the highest level.

Read about Athletics

Stanford Data Science

Weaving data science into the core fabric of Stanford's research and teaching enterprises across all seven schools.

Read about SDS

Stanford Impact Labs

Investing in partnerships between leading social science scholars and practitioners, while applying a startup mentality to social equity issues.

Read about SIL
Our impact depends on the dedication of the entire Stanford community.

Stanford Public Humanities

Advancing research in the humanities, arts, and social sciences to better understand our place in a rapidly changing world.

Read about SPH

Stanford Science Fellows

Building community around frontier research challenges and fostering new directions for understanding and discovery in the natural world.

Read about SSF

Undergrad Education and Student Life

Creating opportunities for students to build meaningful connections across racial, socioeconomic, geographical, and political lines.

Read about COLLEGE

Undergrad Financial Aid

Removing financial and academic obstacles so that more students can access opportunities at Stanford.

Read about aid
We are optimistic to our core. It’s the Stanford way.

This is the moment—help us shape a better future.

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