An IDEAL approach to race and ethnicity
Our national conversation on these topics is evolving—thanks in part to Stanford’s IDEAL Provostial Fellows program.
Serving the foundation of a Stanford undergraduate education no matter which discipline students pursue as a major. The school is the university’s home for fundamental and applied research, where free, open and critical inquiry is pursued across disciplines.
Our national conversation on these topics is evolving—thanks in part to Stanford’s IDEAL Provostial Fellows program.
For American Muslims, suicide represents a taboo within a taboo. Rania Awaad— a psychiatrist, faith leader, and Stanford Impact Labs Design Fellow—set out to change that.
Social isolation takes a toll on us. So why is reaching out so hard? Stanford psychologist Jamil Zaki uncovers the hidden barriers to connection—on campus and beyond.
Fifty years ago, two Stanford frosh went on a date that would change the course of their lives. Today, the grateful couple has found a way to change other lives, too.
How ePluribus is teaching students to engage across differences.
Feeling adrift and disconnected from purpose, a high school student set out to map his future. A gift from an alum made that future possible.
Most of the ideas universities send into the outside world attract little notice. Stanford is giving academics the skills to reach a wider audience.
Yes, according to a new training program for resident assistants—part of Stanford’s broader effort to foster more constructive dialogue on campus and beyond.
How can we develop artificial intelligence that respects our humanity?
How GeoMatch is revolutionizing resettlement efforts.
Guido Imbens uses data science to search for cause and effect in the wild.